- Various files used in each lecture
lecture01: Introduction: motivation and revision
lecture02: revision (extrema of surfaces, Taylor's theorem, the chain rule, ...)
lecture03: revision (constrained extrema and Lagrange multipliers)
lecture04: The 1st Variation: Euler-Lagrange formulation of the fixed end-point problem
lecture05: autonomous problems: the catenary
lecture06: autonomous problems: the brachystochrone
lecture07: geodesics
lecture08: invariance of the E-L equations, and degenerate equations
lecture09: extensions: higher-order derivatives
lecture10: extensions: several dependent variables
lecture11: extensions: several independent variables
lecture12: Numerical solutions
lecture13: Numerical solutions continued
lecture14: Constraints: integral constraints
lecture15: integral constraints and Dido's problem
lecture16: non-integral constraints and intro to optimal control
lecture17: Free end points and natural boundary conditions
lecture18: free and movable end points
lecture19: transversals
lecture20: broken extremals and corner conditions
lecture21: Inequality constraints and optimal control
lecture22: optimal control examples: planned growth
lecture23: optimal control example: rocket launch profile
lecture24: Hamilton's formulation
lecture25: conservation laws and Noether's theorem
lecture26: Pontryagin Maximum Principle and modern optimal control theory
lecture27: bang-bang controllers
lecture28: feedback controllers
lecture29: Classification of extrema
lecture30: revision
- Matlab files from each lecture
lecture01: Introduction: motivation and revision
lecture02: revision (extrema of surfaces, Taylor's theorem, the chain rule, ...)
lecture03: revision (constrained extrema and Lagrange multipliers)
lecture04: The 1st Variation: Euler-Lagrange formulation of the fixed end-point problem
lecture05: autonomous problems: the catenary
lecture06: autonomous problems: the brachystochrone
lecture07: geodesics
lecture08: invariance of the E-L equations, and degenerate equations
lecture09: extensions: higher-order derivatives
lecture10: extensions: several dependent variables
lecture11: extensions: several independent variables
lecture12: Numerical solutions
lecture13: Numerical solutions continued
lecture14: Constraints: integral constraints
lecture15: integral constraints and Dido's problem
lecture16: non-integral constraints and intro to optimal control
lecture17: Free end points and natural boundary conditions
lecture18: free and movable end points
lecture19: transversals
lecture20: broken extremals and corner conditions
lecture21: Inequality constraints and optimal control
lecture22: optimal control examples: planned growth
lecture23: optimal control example: rocket launch profile
lecture24: Hamilton's formulation
lecture25: conservation laws and Noether's theorem
lecture26: Pontryagin Maximum Principle and modern optimal control theory
lecture27: bang-bang controllers
lecture28: feedback controllers
lecture29: Classification of extrema
lecture30: revision
Matthew Roughan

Last modified: Thu Apr 14 14:44:19 2016